Tasos Livaditis – Poems, Volume II

Posted: 08/03/2023 by vequinox in Literature



Leave me alone, then, I could die as easily and without


dampness spread over the whole city and the false


placed their hands over the fire as if they were throwing

          away the Gospel.

And all the plans for the great escape remained sealed

          in the useless box

so that even if they opened it they wouldn’t find but a

bit of snow from a childish walk

one can survive with such deceits.

It was an unforgettable sundown; resting my head

onto fat Teresa’s breasts, I was reading Dostoevsky

dreaming of the death of innocence or so much pain

           that God had to exist;

I held the acetylene lamp at the entrance of the country


the female singer had lost her voice and was searching

          under the chairs for it

I was an enlarged midget, an alcoholic eunuch swimming

          in the mirror,     

since they wished it, as they threw an embryo in acid,

while my co-passengers smoke, unsuspectedly, their

pipes like calm nightmares.

Then, each time one comes in your life, it’s as if

he steals a gramophone needle from you until

finally you have to sing alone.


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