Robert Docker and the ‘Heavy’ Issue of Light Music

Posted: 07/06/2021 by vequinox in Literature


513IVX81zHLOn the 5th of June 1918, English composer, arranger and pianist Robert Docker was born in London. The son of a Paddington gas worker, Docker studied piano, viola and composition at the Royal Academy of Music in London. After serving in the army during World War II, he became a freelance musician, playing the piano,arrangingbroadcasting and recording sessions, and appearing as soloists with guest orchestras. One of his regular assignments was with the BBC Scottish Variety Orchestra in Glasgow. As an arranger, Docker was involved in working for several film composers. He was also a brilliant improviser, giving performances at various music clubs. He wrote much music for the mood music libraries and numerous light music compositions. Among the latter his most known titles are the Air and Jig for violin, cello and piano, Concert Cascade and Jolly Roger for brass band and Fairy DanceReel, Penny Whistle…

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