
Posted: 26/05/2024 by vequinox in Literature


Since our history was written on indescribable

pages and since we arrived at the center of town

we stopped and listened carefully to the misleading

footsteps of the last crows and since this end was

already agreed upon by the always unerring Fates

we finally understood we, the rope upon which

the first steps of Übermensch would be marked

and we again the Übermenschen.

In the eyrie, we filled our chalice with courage

and to the four corners of the universe we sent it

with a promise never to be trapped in any system’s


The condor we declared heir of the flesh.

The wind and rain we proclaimed our catharsis.

Evoe, oh, free elements, evoe.

People who gathered in the center of the town

agreed and the half-opened window shutters shivered

when in one voice the people cried out—

‘These are already saved.’

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